Business Taxes

Choose the Business Tax Solution that’s right for you

  • LLC and S Corp Tax Return Preparation

    Don’t pay more tax than the law requires! If you do not have a thoughtful CPA, you are probably paying too much income tax.

  • Sole Prop Tax Returns

    Sole proprietorships are the most commonly audited tax form out there. Don’t let just anyone prepare your schedule C.

  • LLC Tax Planning

    Do you have a tax strategy? At The Business Tax Group we help underutilized LLCs implement tax strategies to increase tax savings.

  • S Corp Tax Planning

    S Corporation owners cost themselves thousands of dollars every year due to lack of a solid tax plan.

  • New Business Tax Strategy

    Did you recently start a business? Are you looking for clarification of the tax and accounting rules relating to your business?

  • Reasonable Compensation Analysis

    The most common tax error we see is S corporation owners paying themselves too much, or even worse – not enough.

  • Entity Choice Consultation

    Choosing the wrong entity can cost you thousands of dollars. We can help you understand the ramifications and make the right choice.

Are you paying too much in taxes?

If you do not have a thoughtful CPA, you are probably paying too much income tax. Adding a CPA to your business resources helps you save money and relieve stress. We do this by helping you avoid mistakes and keeping you aware.

Over the years helping San Diego businesses we have identified common tax and accounting pitfalls that bring unneeded stress to business owners. We can help you avoid them.

The Top 5 Tax Mistakes Made by Businesses

  1. Poorly prepared tax return increases tax, enhances audit risk, or impairs borrowing power.
  2. Lack of a solid tax plan costs business owners countless dollars
  3. Improperly set owner compensation causes excess self employment taxes to be paid or costly penalties
  4. Lack of awareness of deadlines causes cash flows to be mismanaged
  5. Use of the wrong entity triggers countless tax and paperwork struggles

Our experience helping businesses deal with the ramifications of these mistakes has enabled us to develop specific and tested strategies to avoid these common snafus. We specifically address each of these 5 problems with a direct solution.

A thoughtful CPA can save you thousands of dollars every year. By taking the time to understand your business style, we can custom fit tax advice for you. We spend time developing an awareness, strategizing, and balancing your tax needs versus your business needs. Never breaking rules, always minimizing your tax bill whenever possible.

The Business Tax Group is business tax specialist. With nearly 20 years of experience advising businesses in San Diego, The Business Tax Group can ensure you that your tax bill is the best it can be. Top quality tax advising makes sure that you don’t pay one dollar more than necessary in tax.

Start Saving Today!

Book an appointment so we can explore how to save you money on your next tax bill